- 浏览器
- 在线游戏
- 社交网络
- 网络串流
- 文件分享
- 即时通讯
- URL(Uniform resource locater)
- HTTP(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)
- TCP(Transmission Control Protocol)
- 6个找到IP地址
- 3次握手 TCP
- 4次 HTTP
- 4次 tearing down(取消)TCP
网络链接Network Connectivity
重要名词 Important terminologies
- Link(设备连接 有线/无线)
- Nodes(设备 电/手机)
- Point-to-point(点对点)
- Multiple access(两个以上的连接)
- Switched Network(交换网络)
- Circult Switched(线路交换)
- Packet Switched(数据包交换)
- Packet,message
- Store-and-foward
- Host(主机)
- Switches(交换机)
- Spanning tree(生成树协议)
- internetwork(互联网)
- Router/gateway(路由器)
- Host-to-host connectivity(终端对终端连接)
- Address
- Routing(路由)
- Unicats/broadcats/multicast(特定对象/广播/多个)
- broadcats通常会被Router拦截
- LAN(Local Area Networks 局域网)
- MAN(Metropolitan Area Networks 城域网)
- WAN(Wide Area Networks 广域网)
数据元是如何在互联网上被传输的?How datagrams are delivered in an Internet?
合理的资源分配Cost-Effective Resource Sharing
- resource资源:links and nodes
- How to share a link?
- Multiolexing(多个input共用一个links进行output)
- De-multiplexing
FDM: Frequency Division Multiplexing 频道分割
TDM:Time-division Multiplexing 时间分割
Statistical Multiplexing 统计多工
- Data is transmitted based on demand of each flow
- FIFO先进先出, Round-Robin轮流,Priorities(Quality-of-Service(Qos)重要优先)
Logical Channels 逻辑频道
两个Host的连接,就叫做Logical Channel
Network Reliability 网络可靠性
- 网络应该隐藏错误
- Bits 丢失/错误
- Bits error收到电场电磁波干扰,会出错(1,0错误)
- 大量Bits错误,Burst errors。
- 无法纠错会丢包
- Packets are lost (Congestion)网络阻塞
- Links and Node failures
- Messages are delayed 延迟
- Messages are delivered out-of-order 封包顺序错乱
- Third parties eaves drop 第三次篡改
Network Architecture 网络体系结构
Protocols 协议
- 定义横向通信规范
- peer system
- 上层协议需要下层提供服务
- Building blocks of a network arch architecture
- 每个协议有两个 interfaces
- Service interface 为上层提供服务
- Peer-to-Peer interface 对等网络
Protocols interface 协议接口
- 横向
- 格式
- 流程
- 纵向
- 提供不同服务
Protocols 特点
- Protocols Specification 协议规格
- Interoperable 可以互通
- IETF 制定协议
Protocol Architecture 协议结构
开放系统互连架构 OSA(Open Systems Interconnection) Architecture
- Application 应用层
- Presentation 表现层/呈现层
- Session 会话层
- Transport 传输层
- 负责分类不同服务
- 只有两端host有
- Network 网络层
- 如何送给对方host
- IP
- Data Link 数据链路层
- 如何传输数据给下一个Router(下一步)
- Physical 物理层
- 电缆,光纤,无线网络
- 如何传输信号
Host => LAN(交换机) => Router
交换机只解析到Data Link链路层
网络分层描述 Description of Layers
Physical Layer 物理层 如何在Link上传输
- Coaxial cable 同轴电缆
- Twisted pair 双绞线(搅在一起降低电磁干扰,8条线)
- Optical Fiber 光纤 (不受电磁波干扰, 传输距离远)
- Air space 电磁波 (wireless radio channel)
- Different Signal Coding schems 不同编码
- 发送和接受要求速率相同
- 不同材料不同coding
- Coaxial cable 同轴电缆
Data Link Layer 链路层 (如何将frame传给直接相连的主机或者设备)
- Collects a streame of bits into a
- How to transmit a frame to a directly connected host (destination)?
- MAC(Media Access Control Protocol) 媒体访问控制
- CSMA/CD(IEEE 802.3 Ethernet) 监听是否有正在传输
- CSMA/CA(IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN)
- Layer 2 devlces 2层设备
- Switches 交换机
- Bridges
- Collects a streame of bits into a
Network Layer 网络层 (如何将封包送到目的地主机)
- IP to IP
- How to transmit frames to a host via the Internet?
- Handle
among nodes within a packet-switched network - Data exchanged between
- IP protocol不可靠服务
- Router之间互通状态,
- Routing protocols 为了动态选择路径,依靠的protocol。网络层最重要的内容
- RIP 第一代协议,每30秒交换一次状态
- OSPF 会寻找最短路径
- Routing Tables 路由状态信息会存入Routing Tables
- Routing Tables 自身是动态维护的,所以Table的信息是会变的
- 收到封包,获得header,根据ip查询Routing Tables,传递给下一个Router
Transport Layer(提供不同主机processes之间的数据传输)
- Implements a
channer - Unit of data exchanges in this layer is called a message
- TCP(Transmission Control Protocol) - Reliable service 可靠服务
- UCP(User Datagram Protocol) - Unreliable service 不可靠服务
- Implements a
Session Layer 会话层
- Provides a name space that is used
to tie together the potentially different transport streams
that are part of a single application - 将不同的streames汇合为一起
- Provides a name space that is used
Presentation Layer 表现层/呈现层
- Concerned about the
format of data
exchanged between peers - 双方数据的格式标准
- Concerned about the
Application Layer 应用层
- Standardize common type of exchanges
- FTP/E-mail/DNS/HTTP/Browsers..
网络性能Network Performance
- 频宽 Bandwidth
- `Number of bits per second
- 1Mbps: 1 * 10^6 bits/second
- 速度越快,bit宽度越窄
- 信号传递时间 + 传输资料的时间 + queuing time
- 距离/速度
- size大小/bandwidth频宽
- 问题
- 传输完,前导资料未到()
- 传输为完后才能,前导资料已到(transmission time)
Delay X Bandwidth
- Delay X Bandwidth = pipe full 的资料量
- Bandwidth 和 latency 哪个重要
- 大档案传输Bandwidth重要
- 小资料latency更重要
- latency的动态 jitter jitter越大越不稳定
- 在停下来等对方回应之前能够传输最多的资料量
- RTT(Round Trip Time) dominates
- Throughput = TransferSize/TransferTime